Tuesday, February 18, 2003

Ugh. I am so, so angry. I have the worst alarm clock dyslexia EVER. I'm always screwing it up and being late for something. Or setting it at 7:00 when I don't have to get up until 11:00.

The whole 7/11 deal would be annoying on its own, but the really bad thing is being late. It seems like I'm always screwing myself over somehow, by mis-setting that damn alarm clock.

Well anyway, you can see where this is going: I missed TV production lab today. Which, he's constantly stressing not to miss it. Which, now I not only look incompetant from messing up camera a few days ago, but I look like a jerk. Great.

Here's the real kicker though: I checked my alarm clock when I finally got up, and as far as I can tell, it's set completely correctly. So either it didn't go off, or I slept through it. And the sleeping through it is highly unlikely. So now at least, I can direct my anger at the clock and not me. It still sucks, though.

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