Thursday, February 27, 2003

Welp, I had my first El Classo Diablo (169) test last night. (in fact, I should be programming for el classo right now, but yet I blog)

Surprisingly, not too bad. Draining, but I pretty much knew what I was doing except for the reserve function that I forgot to study first. D'oh @ me.

I actually brought some leftover Avanti's food with me. I had dinner with Igraine before the test, and just brought it along with me. I totally wanted to try snacking during the test to mess with people's heads, but I didn't have enough courage.

Igraine and I had fun too. We talked about what we've been doing in class lately, among other things. She thinks I should do my radio ad about Depends (adult diapers). I can't use people my age to voice old people, though. We were thinking about old people I know, and came to the conclusion that I should try and get the prof we had on the trip to do it. That would be SO hilarious, but I bet he'd get all offended if I told him I wanted him to be the spokesperson for my adult diapers ad. Others I am considering: lawyer ad ("did someone allow you to run into the back of their car, and you got injured?? Sue!"), or.... well, actually, that's about all I got.

Lastnight was bad sleep-wise, though. Not only did I stupidly go to bed late because I was looking at this website about pets (more about that when I re-get the url from Talia) but I just couldn't sleep. The armpit pain doesn't bother me much during the day, because it only hurts when I have my arm in a certain position, but my favorite sleeping position kills my armpit, so I'm all tossing and turning and crap because of the stupid armpit pain.

And some random guy called me at 3:00 a.m. because he meant to call someone else. My phone freaks me out when I'm sleepy. It's just so loud and jarring. So yeah.

Man that was a boring post. But I swear, I mean to give a shout out to Wee Pee the hermaphrodite Cocker Spaniel in the next post.

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