Tuesday, December 13, 2005

I felt crappy yesterday and had to leave work. It'll be my first time, and I've not really accumulated any sick leave, so I think I'm just not paid for that day, except for the brief time I was actually there. I felt bad doing it at such short notice, but boss-boss didn't seem to mind overly much.

What's worse, is after a couple of hours at home I felt well, and I felt good enough to go back in, only I couldn't because I'd taken the time off, so then I felt guilty being at home feeling fine.

Then this morning I felt really bad again, and was like, "Crap! I can't do it twice in a row!" but I'm feeling better now so I think I can go in and stay in this time.

I like to think I'm pretty tough when it comes to dealing with pain and sickness. When I was in school, I always went when I had a cold. And now that I have colitis, I deal with sickness and pain on a daily basis. And when I was a photographer I'd go out rain or snow hot or cold and burn or freeze my ass off. But in retail... I kind of feel like I have to go home if I'm feeling horrible, because of all the things I can do while I'm in physical discomfort, being nice to people is not one of them. And in retail... that's kind of the whole job. So I decided to go home before I snapped on someone.

And for hilarity's sake, go visit: Seagal Action Facts

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