Wednesday, December 21, 2005

So today was decent, except I only have 9 hours in between my shifts, and with a half hour drive back and forth, that gives me exactly 8 hours sleep, if I don't eat or brush my teeth or anything in the morning, which of course I will do. Plus, I can't sleep right after I get home anyway. So.... I hate when they make me start early in the morning after making me close!

I got to see Hootie, which was awesometastic, and Kevin and Elaine who are also awesometastic though I actually do see them more than I've been seeing Hootie lately, anyway. Elaine kept making fun of me, but in a funny way that kept cracking me up. Afterwards, she was apologizing, and I was like, "Eh, I don't care. It was HILARIOUS." And we got to discussing how it's a lot easier to forgive people for doing normally annoying things (teasing you, complaining about things etc.) when they're funny about it.

I ate free fruit (we have all this fruit lying around in the break room they're giving us for christmas I guess) and a not so free cheesy pretzel.

Bad news: Supertramp either quit or got fired, but we've not really gotten the info on which it is, but we were all shocked, it happened quite suddenly. It sucks, he was fun, and really good at what he did. If this is another case of boss-boss being weird, I'll be upset. Because things like that just make you really paranoid, and wondering who will get the axe next. And, also leaves us continuallly training people, so no one knows what they're doing.

Speaking of which: his job is up for grabs. In a perfect world, Optpri would probably get the job, as she, too, is completely awesome at what she does, knows what Supertramp did pretty well, and used to be a supervisor at some other branch of the store. Well..... in a perfect world he wouldn't be leaving to begin with. But anyway, according to Carmax, boss-boss really hates and feels threatened by Optpri. And after her, the full-time employee with the most seniority is...... me, thanks to the high turnover rate at the store. Which.... I don't think I'd deserve it, as I've only been there a few months. And I'm always learning that I've been doing this or that wrong a whole long time (though I blame THAT on none of the managers ever agreeing on anything more than my own incompetance). And I act kind of spazzy.... not exactly leadership material. On the other hand, if Optpri doesn't take it, there's really no one else. Mulva's the only other full time employee and he's worked there a month, if that. Also, Sista got promoted to supervisor, and she's not worked there very much longer than me (though, she was a manager at other places previous to this, which I've never been). Also, they can't think I'm totally incompetant, as I did get employee of the month awhile back (though I don't know if that's people voting for me because I'm they're friend or because I switch shifts at short notice, rather than for reasons having to do with whether or not I'm management material).

Anyway, it's all probably moot. Hopefully Optpri gets it.

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