Sunday, December 04, 2005

So today was hectic as all get out at work. At least in the morning. The happy bit: at least not much went wrong. The only thing that sucks worse than getting some horrible person who doesn't understand why their coupon won't work on magazines is having a huge line behind them getting grouchier and grouchier while it happens. About the worst thing I had happen was doing a return and almost not giving the guy the right amount back (it scanned in as on sale and he hadn't bought it on sale). I just wanted to strangle him because even after I admited he was right and went back and gave him the extra money, he was still all suspicious that I was trying to cheat him, and spent ten hours examining the receipt to catch me cheating him still, holding the line up all the while.

Then in the afternoon I had the problem of having not that much to do, because we got a lot more people in, and we were all stuck doing customer service, which is basically walking around the store trying to badger people into letting you help them find something. And since there were four other people doing the same thing at the time.... nothing for me to do.

Then Carmax, Sista, and I went to see Walk the Line. It was good. Then afterwards we hung around this bizarre, expensive, deserted bowling alley connected to a VFW. This was actually the idea of another couple of coworkers of ours, who don't have nicknames because I don't really mention them all that much, even though they're cool people. The problem: the store's kind of cliquey. I mean, we're all great friends when we're actually at the store, but we only do stuff with certain people outside of the store, it seems. So Carmax, Sista, and I are kind of a clique, and then these two people and Mouse are kind of a clique. So I kind of wanted to reach out to the other clique, but the problem with the other clique is that they like to hang out at bars, and I hate bars. And the bowling alley was pretty much a thwarted attempt at being at a bar, I think. And it wasn't really any more pleasant than a bar either.

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