Thursday, December 22, 2005

Today I woke up to: "Phoe! PHOE! Wake up! You ruined Christmas!"

Okay... actually, I woke up to my Mom going, "Phoe! PHOE! WAKE UP! You left the freezer door open last night so the ice cream cake we're going to have on Christmas melted, not to mention spoiled hundreds of dollars of meat. I am SO upset."

You say potato, I say potah-to.

So, yeah. This'll be the third time I've ruined hundreds of dollars worth of meat, though today'll be the first time I can add a Christmas ice cream cake to the carnage. The first time I did it, I was a kid. And maybe it's because I was a kid, and things seem scarier or out of proportion when you're a kid, but anyway: the horrified/angry reaction of my mom seemed especially ferocious. The other time, I can't really remember much about. In addition, I've had too many close calls (when the freezer is open but someone notices in time) to remember.

I myself think we should get a freezer that actually stays closed once you close it (the meat savings alone probably would pay for it), but that's just my wacky idea. Also: why do we have that much meat in the first place? A good half of it is no good anyway because it's been sitting around in our freezer an average of two years. Maybe we should also stop hoarding meat. Those are all things I wanted to point out this morning, but instead I offered to replace the ice cream cake, which I was turned down on, as I am obviously not smart enough to go to a store to buy the correct ice cream cake on my own. I did, however, pay for the new one at least. Unfortunately, I do not have the kind of money needed to replace 2 years worth of hoarded frozen meat products as well.

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