Monday, December 19, 2005

Today I saw King Kong.

I have to say: meh. I don't really see what everyone has their panties in a twist about. Hell, I didn't really see what was so great about the original. Okay: I saw why it was good for it's time, and it's certainly not the worst film I've been subjected to in film class, but I wasn't exactly on the edge of my seat or anything.

Also: I think I've fallen away from movies. I just... can't lose myself in them the way I used to, getting totally immersed and shutting the entire world out. That's what I used to love most. I think part of it is the film minor DID kill my attention span. After the semester where I saw at least one film a day, I couldn't pay attention to anything at all for awhile. But at the same time.... I couldn't not see a ton of movies. I'd go into withdrawal if I didn't see a load of them. I'd thought I'd gotten back to normalcy, but I'm not sure. Now I just think of totally random things the whole time. Like, when I watched Walk the Line, I kept thinking of these stupid interviews I'd read with Joaquin Phoenix, and then from there, some other article I'd read in the same magazine, until I'm thinking of something that has nothing to do with anything.

Another part of it is my bladder. I've never been known for being able to hold it a long time, but I used to be able to get through most movies without having to go. And, since I could immerse myself into them totally, I wouldn't notice even if I did have to go. But now... I think ever since that whole gallbladder/vicodin thing, my bladder's been extra sensitive. So, though I can hold it a whole movie, I'm miserable if I don't go at least once. So the first half of the movie, I'm thinking, "should I go to the toilet now? I don't want to miss anything. If I don't go now, maybe I'll miss something later. But if I go to early, I might have to go AGAIN later." And I AM thinking of it from the first second of the movie, because the time it takes for them to show the previews is more than enough time for me to start feeling the need to pee already. Seriously, I should check out those overactive bladder drugs or something. Because it's not like I can't hold it, but I always FEEL like I have to go, and it sucks. But I'm on too many different drugs already.

And DAMN you Peter Jackson. All your movies are too long, even if I didn't have a messed up bladder and no remaining attention span!

The good points, though: Jack Black = awesome. I don't love every movie he's in, but he was totally the best part of this one, as the sleazy director who's all, well, sleazy and Jack-Black-like.

Minor characters = awesome. I'm always whining about movies never having character developement, and god knows the major characters didn't get a ton, having to rush from here to there to make all their various action scenes, but at least they bothered making the other characters more than ape fodder.

Little in-jokes for anyone who's watched the orignal: gratifying.

So anyways. I also had a phone conver with Carmax. It's pretty funny, I call her meaning to just say one thing, and then we end up talking for an hour. I think half of it is we can milk a single joke for laughs for 20 minutes. The last time I called her, somehow we decided her racist grandpa was hilarious. This time, it was a comment of TII's the other day that I mentioned to her, because I thought it was hilarious.

See, TII makes a lot of lame jokes, but the other day he just made me crack up. Mouse made some comment or other, I can't even remember anymore, and boss boss was like, "You're a jackass," to him, in kind of a joking manner. Anyway, TII heard this perfectly, but he walks up to us all, and is like, "Who has gas?" in response.

Anyway: half of it was the inflection, but I thought it was hilarious, but no one else laughed at it at the time (though I told Sista about it yesterday and she thought it was hilarious, and as I've mentioned, Carmax and I ended up giggling over "who has gas?" for twenty minutes. In fact, I think whenever I don't hear what someone says to me properly, instead of saying what, my new catchphrase is going to be, "Who has gas?" And I'm sure it'll irritate a lot of people, but it is hilarious to me!

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