Wednesday, December 14, 2005

So I went in this morning after having closed last night, which always sucks. They should not do that. Or at least not do it if it's avoidable, which it so is. They just don't try very hard. Actually, though, I brought this one on myself, as yesterday I would've had the day off if Mulva hadn't needed to switch shifts. Except, I had the same close/morning situation on Friday/Saturday, and switching shifts eliminated that one, so I really wasn't any worse off. EXCEPT: boss-boss asked me today if I wanted to work Saturday because they could use the extra help and I could make up the hours I missed when I felt bad Monday.

I didn't really want to make up the hours that badly, but when boss-boss or anyone asks me something, I just automatically say yes before I think about it. So... I said yes. And now I'm working Saturday. BUT, I get Sunday and Monday off, so I'll have a well-deserved rest after that.

Anyway: I've realized I am rather untalkative at register lately. When I do it all day (which they've been making me do) I feel robotic. The only thing that helps is if I have someone fun up there with me that gets me in a more chatty mood. But today I spent most of my time with El Camino. And El Camino is great. He's really funny when he wants to be, and out of nowhere today I told him he was my best friend (I tend to say that whenever someone says something that really makes me love them, which tends to frighten them). But: he's kind of quiet. So he doesn't really get the conversational ball rolling.

Later when Mulva (most talkative person of all time) came and joined us, though, it got better. Except I was actually worried about Mulva a little, because apparently he hit his head before coming into work, and he repeatedly told El Camino and I he was dizzy, but wouldn't do anything about it.

Then Hootie joined us, and they decided 4 people was more than we needed at registers (which was rather self evident, btw) and they let me go and do other stuff. Which was nice, because I was tired of registers, but kind of sad because since they hired the holiday help, Hootie's not been getting very many hours and I never see her, and when she IS in, it's some situation like this where she's at registers and I'm somewhere else. Mouse, too, has been gone a lot. I find myself with the new people a lot. And it's not like I have anything against the new people, a lot of them actually do seem pretty cool, but I find it exhausting to be around people when I don't know them very well yet because I spend a lot of time nervous that I'm saying things that freak them out becaue I'm such a strange person, even though all of us at the store are pretty strange, and the new people themselves even show evidence of strangeness.

On the plus side: Sista's been promoted to a supervisor, so she is around where I am more and I get to see her. I feel bad for her though, they have given her no training, so she's always nervous that she's doing something wrong and/or will need to do something she doesn't know how to do and there'll be no one around to help with it.

On an unrelated note: a german man yelled at me because I couldn't look up a CD for him because the number he gave me was not a UPC, an ISBN, nor the store's own number we use to track things. I also told a woman who's surname is Bergner that my dad and I call the store Bergner's "Herr Bergner." True story.

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