Tuesday, December 27, 2005

So, you have to love a work environment that gives rise to conversations like this:

Jaws*: I think boss-boss hates me the most. She was giving me the stink-eye yesterday.
Me: Yeah, well she took me aside for "a little talk" yesterday.
Optpri: Yeah, well she once arranged a meeting in her office to discuss "why I don't like her."
Jaws: I arranged a meeting with her in her office once to discuss why she doesn't like me.
Me & Optpri: You are so awesome.

I think it really is true, what Sista said about how the store is like, this reality show where we're going to slowly be whittled down and are always on edge about who's going to be the next to go at any one time. I don't understand why boss-boss dislikes so many of us, when she's the one who hired us all in the first place.

In other news: we thought it would slow down a little because everyone had to go back to work today, but it didn't. Thankfully I had another 6 a.m., so I got away with not having to deal with people for a few minutes. I did not get most of my work done, though. There are these four displays that I usually get done with just about when the store opens, but due to paper errors and everything being backed up since Supertramp is gone, I had to re do it. And it took me the entire rest of the day, because every two minutes a customer would need help, and then before I could even get back from helping that person, another person would need help. And the registers kept getting backed up and I helped with that.

In other other news: I know I have only myself to blame (buying and listening to an album of cartoon theme song covers) but I woke up with the theme song to Scooby Doo in my head. I scare even myself.

Random weirdness: It's like 60 outside or something. I'm not even making this up. I drove home with my windows down and Nada Surf blasting out for all to hear.

* I've dubbed her Jaws because she recently got this kickass mohawk (I love mohawks. I've always wanted to be brave enough to get one myself, only I know I'd look like an ass because I don't have any piercings or dress outlandish in any way, so I'd look like a stupid normal person who lost a bet--anyway, it works on her) and when she's in the middle of a bunch of bookshelves, I see just the mohawk sticking up, and I tell her it looks like a shark fin and do the Jaws theme music as she approaches. And yes, I've decided to continue with the ludicrous code name system, just to amuse myself, if for no other reason.

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