Saturday, December 24, 2005

So today was a very full day. A little too full for my taste. Every muscle in my body was sore when I left work today. Plus the colitis was all, "can I put you into excruciating pain today? Oh, wait. YOU DON'T GET A SAY."

I'm slowly but surely beginning to hate work. I suppose it'll get better after the holiday season is over, especially if all the random firings stop.

I saw Narnia afterwards, and went to Noodles (though actually not in that order). It was kind of dumb, because Narnia was an impulse decision and I didn't have enough money, plus I'm going to have to get up early tomorrow, but at least it was a kind of decent movie, so.... oh, who'm I kidding. I'm going to be cranky while I'm working on Christmas Eve, I might as well have a reason. Though actually, I already do have a reason: working on Christmas Eve, especially after a horribly shitty day like today.

In other news: I'd like to welcome Mulva into the fold of my dedicated readers. Apparently he likes it enough to bring up anecdotes such as "how Phoe ruined Christmas (and several hundred dollars of meat)" at work, in order to bewilder and alienate other coworkers. And you know I'm all about the bewilderment and/or alienation. Does anyone remember that show, Alien Nation? Good times.

Speaking of which, talking to him gave me nightmares last night. No, honestly. I dreamt he came to my house demanding that I help him make treats for his cat from this recipe by Donald Trump. But my mom wouldn't let us make the cat treats because she doesn't ever let me make anything in the kitchen anyway. THEN, I found out he was really a spy from Barnes and Noble, and I felt horrible and betrayed because I'd kinda helped him get the job. THEN, the dream just randomly switched to me being trained in the cafe, only we were doing ridiculous things they never do in the cafe, like frying shrimp.

So... I think I know why I dreamt about Mulva (talked to him right before I went to bed), his cat (learned how Mulva is trying to potty train him), him being a spy for B & N (we were talking about how we suspect El Camino of being a spy from B & N) but the frying shrimp and donald trump bits are all purely bits of my own diseased psyche.

In yet other news: Carmax and I gave Elaine a Festivus card. Maybe that's what I'll start wishing customers instead of a happy Chrismikwanzica like I have been. Except, as I found out today, the 23 is Festivus, so it's actually over. We just thought it was hilarious we'd accidently gotten the day right.

It's a holiday for the rest of us.

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