Wednesday, December 21, 2005

So after three days of wondering, I got the courage to nose around on why supertramp got fired. I asked Mouse, as last time someone got fired (Carmax) he was asking everyone in sight, so I'd figure after three days he'd already have done most of my work for me. I accidently did it in front of Lister, and Mouse was all, "Um... we're not supposed to talk about it." But as soon as Lister was out of earshot, Mouse was like, "Okay, I heard this from Optpri, so it's kind of secondhand info, but..."

Anyway, Supertramp is diabetic, and he needed something to eat one morning to keep his blood sugar up, only none of the registers were open yet, so he wrote an IOU for a biscotti, then forgot to pay later. So... he got fired for a $1.00 cookie. Word on the street is that boss-boss didn't really like him and used this as an excuse.

I think I am going to apply for the job. I feel all worried and secretive about it (Sista's the only one who knows I'm doing it) because I feel bad about Supertramp, and I don't want to make Optpri mad if she's gunning for it. Also, I don't want them to think I'm presuming anything, that I have delusions of grandeur and feel entitled to the job or anything. But, as Sista (whose encouragement is probably most of the reason I'm trying it) says, if Optpri doesn't apply for the job, there's no one else. Except maybe someone from our inventory team, which, I don't think any of them have much of an idea of what Supertramp did, whereas I have some idea, at least, from doing stuff at his bidding in the past.

In news of other people's hopes and dreams: Mulva got an investor for this movie he's making, apparently, so he was over the moon. I'm thinking maybe he'll quit if he thinks he needs more time for working on that, I think it's his big ambition. I actually envy him a little, I kind of wanted to work in that milieu, but let myself be shuttled off into TV news when I was in school, and then after giving up News didn't have the balls afterwards to put that kind of effort into other types of video production or film and got a job in retail instead. It does kind of suck to look around me and see him doing that, and a lot of my other coworkers going to school to improve themselves, and then look at myself and be like, "Yeah, I really DON'T have any ambitions greater than working at this bookstore." And people assume you want to do something else somewhere along the line, and I'm just like... "um, I got nothin." Good for him, though. I hope it works out.

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