Thursday, December 29, 2005

Wow. Today was great. I was beginning to think I was burnt out on my job, even though I knew a lot of it was probably the christmas craziness talking, but I actually had fun tonight and know that the job is not only liveable, but loveable once more.

I closed, which, how good it is entirely depends on the people you're with, and (for me) what section of the store I'm fixing up. Tonight I did get the sections I like (music and kids) and got to work with Elaine, Mouse, Jersey*, and one of the holiday people I've not come up with a name for who I hadn't really warmed up to until now, but I decided I liked her today. And before all the closing stuff I got to do merch, which I think nearly everyone (me included) prefers to customer service or register.

Mouse was particularly fun, I don't think we've had a shift together where one or the other of us wasn't stuck up at register in awhile, and we haven't closed in even longer. He was all making fun of me for spilling water on myself, pointing out that the staff mugs we have to drink from are pretty much sippy cups, and I still managed to spill on myself. But then he took a sip of his water and accidently inhaled it, and I was like, "Ha ha! You just spilled water in your lungs!" I also (I can't remember how this happened) invented a street persona for him, where I'm part of his posse and just say "word" whenever he tells people something. I told him, though, I wouldn't be much use in a fight as I'd be the one down on the ground in the fetal position shouting, "not the face! not the face!" Also: I lent him my Nada Surf CD, so for that he's going to burn me something of his!

Then he and I and Jersey got to discussing what the deal is with the plethora of Kenny Loggins performance DVD's we have at the store, wondering who would think he's such a great performer that you'd actually need to watch him perform on a DVD. And then I mentioned to them how I tried to get this woman to buy a Kenny Loggins CD once, and from there mentioned that 8 year old I tried to sell Dookie too. To my eternal gratitude, both Mouse and Jersey agreed with me that Dookie definately IS the best Green Day album, and Mouse told me he actually HAD managed to convince some kid to get it, and Jersey and I were like, "Rock on!"

Good times.
* Jersey is the new guy at the cafe, thus dubbed so because he was telling me tonight that he's from Jersey and apologizing for being SUCH a stereotypical Jersey guy that he has an intense and undying love for Bruce Springsteen.

Phoemeister: guess what?
Phoemeister: one of my newer coworkers I talked more to today, and I found out he's from Jersey and totally loves the Boss
Phoemeister: and it made me think of you
Phoemeister: true story
NYC: sweet
NYC: where about in jersey?
Phoemeister: I didn't ask specifics
NYC: gez, woman
Phoemeister: I'll have to quiz him next time
Phoemeister: "Do you know NYC?"
NYC: haha, not quite
NYC: but i could very well know the area he is from
Phoemeister: "Don't all you people know each other?"
Phoemeister: "You probably met at a Springsteen concert"
NYC: how did he end up out there?
Phoemeister: I dunno
Phoemeister: I didn't get the time to ask
NYC: did you get anything other than he's from jersey?
Phoemeister: well I helped him plan his prom
Phoemeister: (there were these magazines that were like, "Plan your prom!" for teenage girls and I was all, "Jersey! It's those prom magazines you've been waiting for!")
NYC: well if you need cool jersey things to mention to sound cool, just let me know
Phoemeister: lol
Phoemeister: like what?
Phoemeister: Kevin Smith?
Phoemeister: Bon Jovi?
Phoemeister: Springsteen's the only thing you guys have going for you :P
Phoemeister: wait, Kevin Smith is good too
Phoemeister: but I meant to imply that Bon Jovi is not
Phoemeister: There's this Bon Jovi box set out called 1 million Bon Jovi Fans can't be wrong, and I held it up to my coworker Kevin the other day, and he was like, "yes they can!" And I pretty much agree with that.
NYCs: no need to hate on bon jovi
Phoemeister: yes
Phoemeister: yes there is :P

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