Friday, December 16, 2005

So yesterday, I accidently came into work an hour early. I talked to Elaine about it, and she thought that they had me scheduled for that time a week ago and changed it on me at the last minute, so I shouldn't worry, it's their fault. But I looked at the old schedule later, and it turns out I was just dumb, and it's my fault. I still think Elaine's going to fix it, though. So.... I think I just accidently committed the perfect crime. If you consider working an hour you are not scheduled for a crime. That's kind of a lame crime, now that I think of it. I shall have to work on that before I can be a master criminal.

Speaking of Elaine: she made brownies and brought them in, and they were DELICIOUS. And we have apples in the break room right now (apparently corporate used to give out bonuses, but then they got cheap and now we only get apples, so I'm eating as many free apples as possible before they're gone). And my mom made pork chops the other night. So I think that's about the most balanced meal I've had at work, (considering I eat cheez-its or goldfish there most of the time) brownies, apple, pork chops, and cheez-its (sadly, I nearly always have a box of some sort of cheese flavored snack crackers in my locker at work). Good times.

Also, I've started calling Mulva "Henri." Some lady said he was ornery yesterday while we were both at register, only she pronounced it on'ry, and I was like, "what if she really meant to call you "Henri" (the french pronunciation of Henry is on-ree, which sounds similar to on'ry). He finds it annoying to be called Henri, but I think it's hilarious, so I will never stop calling him that ever. Plus, if he knew I called him Mulva on my blog, I think he would agree that Henri is a step up.

I'm trying to get people to vote for Sista for employee of the month, but I don't know how well it's going. People are surprisingly apathetic about it. And it makes me mad, because if we weren't all apathetic, maybe our inventory team wouldn't be able to rig it nearly every month! But they do. Because we are. Oh well.

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