Thursday, April 18, 2002

God I hate school.

More specifically:

Group Projects. Can't live with them.... But you'll flunk the class if you refuse to live with them.

I miss ONE stinking meeting (Yea, I thought it was today when it was actually yesterday) and I'm OUT of the loop. I don't know what the hell I'm supposed to be doing, and it really sucks, especially for an anal retentive control freak such as myself. Nugh!

I got my philosophy paper done, finally. It's on whether or not you'd still be you if they took your brain out, cut it in half, and put each half in the head of two identical clones to you. Yes, I hate that class.

Onto history paper: it'll probably be about Freud. I've got Freud coming out of my ears lately, what with studying him in both history and psych. So I figure I know enough about the dude to write a decent paper on him. Well, on what he thinks about civilization. I don't agree with him about most things, but yes: he's right about civilization being fucked up.


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