Monday, April 01, 2002

I am so nerdy. I'm a pig, my room is a sty, I can never find anything.

But I just LOVE to arrange and rearrange my CD's. They used to be alphabetized, even.

Now, I like to put them with what "goes together." Which is even more fun, because then I can arrange and rearrange. The alphabet's pretty static.

So yes, I skipped class to rearrange my CD's, even though I'm a slob in most respects. And it was fun, goshdarnit.

Right now my punk is all together, except I didn't have enough room, so I had to put it in another one, and then I decided which punk goes where blah blah.... some of the punk is next to alt country. It was agonizing deciding what goes in piles, and what gets the honor of being in the CD case (I have too many CD's :P). Agonizing in a GOOD way.

The funny part is, most of my favorites end up in a pile, for easy access. But at the beginning, I like to put them in the shelf, next to their family (the other good cd's).

I just thought I'd put this post in so that years from now when I'm reading back through my archives, it won't all be depressing crap. :P

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