Thursday, May 08, 2003

Do you know that feeling when you eat a steak and it feels good going down, but then after awhile you're like, "Gee, I have a huge hunk of meat in my stomach." And all your burps are steak-y? It reminds me of that one episode of king of the hill where they show an X ray of Hank and there's this huge steak jammed in his colon. Though I kind of feel bad no matter what I put in my colon, so it might as well be steak.

Worse: Igraine had steak too, and didn't eat hers all the way, and had this steak stinking up her car so I was like, confronted by the overpowering smell of steak even while regretting the steak that I ate. Hell must be full of ironies like this.

Weirdly enough, I asked for well done and got medium done. Igraine asked for medium done, and got rare. No point to this, just saying that Applebee's should re-examine their steak cooking.

We had a great time, though. We laughed, smelled stuff, and saw Chicago. It was good, I was glad I saw it on the big screen. It was good to go out and have fun with a real human being besides my parents.

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