Tuesday, May 13, 2003

Mom: Jesus Christ! (at something in the newspaper)
*bag on the table she's sitting at falls off with a huge thunk*
Me: You really shouldn't take the lord's name in vain like that. That was a warning smite, dude.

Okay, I found that really really funny. I crack myself up.

And here is another conversation, this time about mismanaging your college career:

Sarcasmyst: So the english major makes me happy, and the psych major keeps me fed
Sarcasmyst: *grin*
Phoemeister: LOL
Phoemeister: You've got it all figured out a helluva lot better than I did :P
Sarcasmyst: *laughs* That's 'cause I's REEEEAL smart. Har har.
Phoemeister: This is me:

"Hmm....I'll wait till the very last second to choose a major."
"Hmm... I'll totally pick a horrible minor, and a major that is nothing like what I thought it would be like."
"Hmm....I'll switch majors."
"eww...switching majors won't work out. I'll stay with this one."
"I really hate my minor but I'll stick it out anyway."
"Maybe I'll switch disciplines within my major."
"Hmm....I'm kind of liking my major now."
"My minor is killing me. Must switch. Oops, weaselly academic advisors screwing me, draining my life blood. Must fight on for new minor."

And that's where i'm at now
Phoemeister: Ah. Yeah, I can see where being smart might've helped :P
Phoemeister: I have developed a strong loathing for academic advisors.
Sarcasmyst: Lol
Sarcasmyst: my advisor...
Sarcasmyst: has no idea who I am
Sarcasmyst: generally loses important papers
Sarcasmyst: and is hard to find
Sarcasmyst: *grin*
Sarcasmyst: I am in advisor-less land.
Sarcasmyst: And I LIKE it.
Sarcasmyst: Bwa ha ha.
Sarcasmyst: what is your major?
Phoemeister: I know how you feel. I only talk to mine when I absolutely have to.

Mass Com. I wanted to get into music production, which I thought was radio production, which is nowhere near the same, and I couldn't switch to music production, and the radio industry's in the crapper, so I'm switching to TV/Movies prod which is slightly less in the crapper, and I'm enjoying writing more than production lately anyway.
Sarcasmyst: *nods* Sounds kinda fun, really
Phoemeister: I kind of suck at production, to tell you the truth.
Phoemeister: Yeah, it is. I'm in a lot happier place now that I'm doing a lot more hands on stuff

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