Monday, May 26, 2003

I've been a lazy blogger lately. Usually I post every bit of anything that happens to me or pops into my head, but I've been lax. Though the sparseness probably improves quality. So I'll just summarize the (few) things that happened since last bloggie:

1) Saw the Matrix. It's an alright movie and everything I guess, but I just couldn't get into it. I figure part of it was my unrealisticly high expectations for the thing, plus seeing every single action sequence beforehand thanks to stupid TV, but it just didn't hit me like the first one did. I honestly had a better time watching Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade on TV that night. Because who doesn't love watching Harrison Ford and Sean Connery thwart Nazis? Yes, TV has its redeeming qualities.

2) Sister's dog hurt its back somehow, and now everyone's all freaked out about it. I really do feel sorry for the dog. But man do they get fussy about it. My sis's all worried about having people over because the dog can't get up, but the dog likes to follow people around when they're over and stuff. It's like, "Dude, I know the dog doesn't like not being able to get up, but I think he can handle it." And I have to admit I'm psychotically fixated on how much they love the dog. Like, every time they're like, "Oh, oh the poor dog had diahrea again last night!" I want to be like, "Oh, oh! Poor me! I've had diahrea every day since October 2002. That's not counting the frequent bouts I had even before then going back as far as 2000, or any of my vomitting and anal bleeding!"

3) I guess I don't have a 3. It was wishful thinking to believe that in 5 days I did something besides watch a movie and obsess about my sister's dog.

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