Wednesday, May 07, 2003

I think I've dropped my remote control one too many times

Phoemeister: I just taped my remote together!
Kin: Awesome. I just read about Sir Ian McKellen and aborting the antichrist. =P
Phoemeister: I mean, I had a little tape keeping the bit that holds the battery in, but now tape is literally holding my remote together
Phoemeister: lol
Phoemeister: Wouldn't you abort the antichrist if you had had sex with the devil?
Phoemeister: Another funny thing about the movie: The devil was played by Greg in Dharma and Greg.
Kin: Sure I would.
Kin: Yeah, oddly, I think I've seen that movie before.
Kin: Or at least part of it.
Phoemeister: lol
Phoemeister: Oh my god. My remote is going to explode. It's gotten all hot. I SWEAR
Kin: lol...Are the batteries in correctly?
Phoemeister: OWWWWWW. I just took the batteries out and burned myself
Phoemeister: I thought they were
Kin: If they're in backwards, they can get really hot. I've seen batteries like, melt inside a CD player, because they were in backwards.
Kin: The guy still has a ring burnt into his finger from where he tried to take the battery out.
Phoemeister: weird... I don't think they were in backwards though, because they'd been in there like that for a long time, they only got hot after I taped the thing back together
Kin: Hm. I dunno.
Phoemeister: OW. Just made the mistake of re-touching the battery to see if it had cooled down
Kin: lol...Good one, Phoe. =P
Phoemeister: ......thanks :P
Phoemeister: hm, we might have a spare universal remote at home. Maybe I'll just throw this one away
Kin: That might be a good idea.
Kin: You wouldn't want your remote leaking battery acid all over the place. That burns more than hot metal. =P
Phoemeister: Ow..... yeah
Phoemeister: I keep entertaining the thought of holding my milkshake on top of the hot batteries to cool them down. But I'm like, "do I really want to fuck with the batteries again after being burnt twice?"
Kin: lol...Ah, just give 'em time.

Phoemeister: OW. Just made the mistake of re-touching the battery to see if it had cooled down
Talia: stop touching them
Phoemeister: I did
Talia: cool, and it only took you two times to learn
Phoemeister: shut up!
Phoemeister: I thought they'd cooled down
Talia: :: Laughs::

The bit about the antichrist is supposed to confuse you all.

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