Sunday, September 12, 2004

Here I am again, blogging to avoid a paper I should be writing. I really don't think the semester proper has really began until I make a whiny post about how I should be writing something.

It's really only an extra credit assignment. Which, to be perfectly honest with you, I would usually not bother with. But all it would take to complete this thing is to only slightly modify a paper I've already written for a previous course. Which is why it's so pathetic that I'm still thinking of blowing it off. And why I'm putting it off right now.

Though, give me some credit, it's partly because the file I need is on the wrong computer and I'm going to have to get into all sorts of elaborate machinations just to print the thing. I'm going to have to get off this computer, unhook it from the internet, hook up my laptop to the internet, start it up, find the file, upload it and e-mail it to myself, unhook the laptop from the internet, hook this computer back up to the internet, log onto my e-mail to get the file, download file, before I can actually do what I need to do to the paper. If only I had a floppy disk....

But no matter how many floppy disks I buy they all seem to disappear somewhere into the aether. I like to imagine other people finding them and reading my horrible papers or old ACS (applied computer science) assignments, but have to doubt it. Though if you do find a floppy disk with a C++ file called, "ACS broke my will to live," or any Word files containing papers named after cheesy pop-punk lyrics, give me a ring, will ya?

It's not my fault
I'll never try
I can't even tell you why
I'm tired of slowly sinking
still there's no one else to blame

--"Quitter," Gas Giants

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