Wednesday, September 29, 2004

It's weird, a couple weeks ago one of my profs saw me with my headphones on and all started asking me what I was listening to, and it turned out to be Jimmy Eat World. Today, he did it again, and it was New Found Glory. And he's all, "What was the one from before again?" and I had to be like, "Jimmy Eat World."

Anyway, I think I must be totally hip in the eyes of my fellow classmates now, because someone overheard us talking about Jimmy Eat World, and it started this bizarrely enthusiastic whirlwind of conversation about Jimmy Eat World throughout the room.

Guy: Jimmy Eat World are pretty good.
Other Guy: Their new song is awesome!
Girl: I saw them when they were at the Arena, they were really good!
Guy: Me too. Though I was actually there for Tenacious D. (who toured with them that time)
Girl: Yeah, but Weezer sucked... (Who toured with Jimmy Eat World and Tenacious D that time)
Guy: Well I never saw them in concert before that, so I couldn't tell
Girl: Me neither, but I heard that.... *devolves into a group conversation about the pros and cons of Weezer*

So now I feel cool.

True story.

Extra long closing quote:

Like you've got nothing to prove
No matter what you might do
There's always someone out there cooler than you

I know that's hard to believe
But there are people you meet
They're into something that is too big to be

Through their clothes
And they'll put up with all the poses you'll throw
And you won't

Even know
that they're not sizing you up
They know your mom fucked you up
Or maybe let you watch too much TV

But they'll still look in your eyes
To find the human inside
You know there's always something in there to see

The veneer
Not everybody made the list this year

--"There's Always Someone Cooler Than You," Ben Folds

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