Friday, September 03, 2004

Last night was my first shift at TV-10 this semester. Pretty much standard.... only I ended up NOT recording an interview my reporter did with the mayor. I really, really wanted to smack myself, but the reporter was pretty cool about it, which makes me feel better. I bet he secretly thinks I'm a horrible incompetant, though. Which, we're going to have to work together every thursday afternoon this semester, so this wasn't the right way to start. Also: he's really tall, and I don't think I'm going to be enjoying ratcheting the tripod up to get him and then having to stand on my tiptoes to look through the viewfinder. Meh.

This morning was my second shift. Today I got paired with a new reporter, and a new photographer (so I could sort of show him the ropes). I felt bad for the guy I had to show the ropes too though. Because I'm horribly bossy once I let the inner dominatrix out of the can. And not so clear at explaining things sometimes. Hopefully I didn't mess him up too badly, though.

I also TD'ed the newscast which was.... really not too great. If you're a good TD at TV-10, sometimes you think ahead and do things even before the director necessarily tells you to do them. I know I appreciate that foresight if I'm the one directing, it makes my job that much easier. Anyhow... the director got angry when I tried to do that. But then, when I just stuck to doing exactly what she told me, the production director (the boss of all of us photographers, including the chick directing today) started getting mad at me for not trying to work ahead farther. So basically.... either way I kept getting someone angry, and it was not a fun position to be in.

Grady Tripp : Well, he did say a few things that made me believe it WAS his car.
Terry Crabtree : Like what?
Grady Tripp : "That's my car, motherfucker."


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