Wednesday, September 01, 2004

The second day of riding the ISU shuttlebus and I'm already the expert.

Scene: me, a mystery wrapped in an enigma. A contridiction within contridictions as I sip bottled water while tearing into a package of Starburst like a wildebeast. Two chicks walk up.

Two Chicks: We're waiting for the shuttlebus.
Me: Me too. *pause*
Me: Don't you think it's stupid that there's a red line and blue line, but both buses are red?
TC: What? There are two lines?
Me: Uh, yeah.
TC: Where do they go?
Me: Blue goes to Tri Towers, Red goes to Atkin Colby or something.
TC: What? How do you tell them apart?
Me: Blue has "Tri Towers" on the top in the front, the other says "Atkin Colby".
TC: Oh....
TC: When is it going to come?
Me: Uh... I dunno. I was just going to stand here and eat my candy until one showed up. They're not that far apart.
TC: Oh.

*five minutes later they try to board a blue city bus, then get back off and come back to where I'm standing*

TC: That wasn't the right bus.
Me: Yeah....

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