Monday, September 27, 2004

Phoemeister: Considering the next best thing I have to do is to talk to tina about whether or not a pair of slugs is having sex in this picture she took
Kin: Is it bad that that doesn't really surprise me?
Phoemeister: ......yes. Yes it is. But bad for me. That I'm the type of person that it doesn't surprise anyone that I'm sitting around IMing people about slug sex
Kin: Well, I was more talking about the fact that Tina took pictures of slugs having sex.
Phoemeister: lol
Phoemeister: Tina would do that. And thanks for your faith in me.

Streetlights, they shine through the shades
casting lines on the floor
lines on his face
he reflects on the day

--"Fred Jones Part II," Ben Folds

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