Friday, September 17, 2004

So I ran into a shelf at TV-10 today. And then ten minutes ago I was scratching the bridge of my nose where I whacked it and being all, "Why does it hurt when I touch my face there?" like the real genius that I am. Does that sound appealing to all you TV stations out there? I could be your next intern. All you have to do is pick up the phone.

Though seriously, I am really trying to look for an internship now. I really hate the amount of schmoozing involved, though. I hate having to subtly beg them for things. I wish I could either just act cool about it, or get it over with and get down on my knees and hug the recruiter's legs and be like, "please, please, please give me a job! I don't want to live with my parents until I'm thirty! I'll do aaaanything *all talk dissolves into unintelligable sobbing noises*" So, if you know anyone who's looking......

Aside from all that, I had a great morning at TV-10. We went to the new high school. Which... I find a bit creepy, cause it was built like, 5 years after mine, so is almost exactly the same but just different enough to really freak me out. There was some program they were putting on to get kids to wear their safety belts, and they'd also gotten a huge grant to do so from a local company, and we were covering it. But the good bits are as follows:

1) they let us have donuts and sunny d. I'm ALWAYS shooting places where they have food, but it's either impolite to grab some or I have to leave before they're actually serving it, and it really makes me mad. So I actually got some food this time. Which... I just now realized how lame I was to make a whole paragraph about the fact that I got a donut today on my blog. Moving on...

2) I saw one of my high school teachers! One of the good ones! He was actually kind of a boring teacher, but the nicest guy ever. He helped me prep for my AP biology test. And pretended he remembered me today, and asked how I was doing and everything. So good times.

3) I got to photograph an oversized novelty check. It ROCKED MY MIND. Because I didn't think there would be one, and I whispered to my reporter, "Darn. I was hoping there'd be an oversized novelty check involved. I'm disappointed." But there WAS an oversized novelty check, and they brought it out RIGHT after I said that.

4) Also, one of the kids at the school looked eerily like a young Adam Sandler. Which also rocked my world, because the novelty check already reminded me of that bit from Happy Gilmore where he has all these oversized novelty checks from different golfing competitions sitting around in his car. So for the Adam Sandler-looking kid to hold up an oversized novelty check: priceless.

5) The principal of the school's name was Dr. Nuchols (pronounced like Knuckles). Which, she was actually the asst. principal at my high school back in the day, and I'd never really thought about how funny that name is, but my reporter pointed it out, and it hit me: that IS a hilarious name. So we got a giggle every time anyone mentioned Dr. Nuchols. True story.

I leave you with this scintillating conversation to mull over.

Kin: And I'm hungry.
Phoemeister: Oh. You know, they have this new thing called eating. Could be the solution to all your problems.
Phoemeister: My nose hurts.
Phoemeister: Cause I ran into a shelf
Phoemeister: good times
Kin: Ow...Well...They also have this thing called not running into shelves. =P
Phoemeister: Yeah. I just heard about it. I was all, "Man, I wish I had known about that."

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