Friday, September 24, 2004

I've started painting my nails green lately.

I have gallons of nail polish, but hadn't really been using any of it regularly since high school, at least. I might've gotten tired of it even before then. The nail-painting was prompted by hanging out with my two high school friends the other day. For some reason, when I hang out with a group of other girls, I sometimes feel the need to do something girly just so that they don't look down on me just because I AM so un-girly. So nails seemed like a lot easier choice, instead of grappling with hair or makeup (considering I am horrible at the two latter) like I usually do. My only problem is I don't have a huge lot of girly colors. But I thought silver was at least pale, so I used that.

But after that was over, I started painting them green. I had problems with nail polish back in the day because I couldn't leave any color on for more than two days without giving into the temptation to peel it all off. But I have solved this by switching colors every couple days. TV-10 is especially helpful with this, in that it shreds the polish anyway and I'd need to re-do.

So anyway, I have enough friggin' nail polish that I've been doing exclusively shades of green. I thought it'd be fun to a) see how many shades of green I have, 2) see if anyone notices that I'm changing it, and III) see if anyone cares.

So far: a) 7, including turquoises
2) no
III) no

All reality is merely an illusion, albeit a persistant one.


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