Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Well.. now that I've explained that I only ever hang out with one of my friends from high school, I have to take it back because I actually hung out with another friend from high school last night. Actually, she's been living in Morocco for awhile, but came back to visit because her grandma is undergoing chemotherapy. So I'm sad for the reason, but glad we could hang out tonight.

And it was great, for awhile I've been thinking she's a bit snooty, but either I've gotten mature enough that I'm not too lame for her anymore or she's just gotten less snooty, because we've had a lot of fun the last few times I've seen her. Anyway, we nostalgized about old times, looked through highly insulting (for dummies, complete idiots guide, guide for complete morons who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground) vegetarian cookbooks, the peta celebrity cookbook (with Fabio, Corey Feldman, William Shatner, and more!), etc. Good times.

One thing did happen, however, that overwhelmingly illustrates how much I am/was overshadowed by her in high school. By some bizarre coincidence we saw this other guy from our school that neither of us had seen in years, and she like had a 20 minute conversation with him. He barely said two words to me (which, I have to say I wasn't being very conversationy with him either, because she was all "I'm in Morrocco doing exciting work!" and he's all, "I graduated and got into this really exclusive MNBA program!" and I didn't really want to add, "Yeah, I'm still workin' at the ol' mass com bachelor's degree at ISU"). Anyway, as soon as he left she was all, "I have no idea what his name is," and I had to tell her.

We also ended up looking at DVD's and I ended up with Pleasantville, which I've been meaning to buy for ages. And, it was on sale, so whoo hoo for me. I really should've bought it years ago and saved myself all the cash I've spent on renting it. She picked up the original Manchurian Candidate and was all surprised when I told her there was a new version now. True story.

On the way home I heard the new Greenday song, American Idiot, for the second time. I was surprised that I recognized it within half a second of when it started, usually I'm not that good at guessing when I don't know the song very well. Anyway, all politics aside, I really like it. It's good to hear a new Greenday song on the radio after so long. It's really been awhile.

I also directed at TV-10 today. I think I just get worse.... I totally messed up something that I usually do pretty well. Bleh.

Also: I've decided that Humphrey Bogart is a sexy beast. There. I said it. He's a sexy beast! And I want to have a three-way with him and Bob Costas. I said that too. So there.

Setting: TV-10 newsroom

Me: Okay, why is there hip-hop playing in the background of the beginning of a segment of the Rush Limbaugh show? Doesn't he hate hip-hop and all that it stands for?
Sports Guy: Yeah, but it was Will Smith.
Me: touché

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