Sui: Dick Cheney says in regards to the argument about the war in Iraq, "Like the catholics, I consider pulling out a sin"
Phoemeister: HAHA, really???????
Sui: haha no
Phoemeister: awww
Sui: but he says "pulling out is the worst possible thing to do"
Phoemeister: I would've hated him slightly less for being funny, being vulgar, and making fun of catholics
Suibrom: that's the picture they have next to the "Cheney says pulling out is the worst thing to do" caption
Sui: he does look pretty distraut about pulling out
Phoemeister: haha
Phoemeister: it looks like someone said, "Do you want some candy?"
and he was like, "Candy!?!? I'd love some!"
and the other person was like, "Psyyyyyche!"
Phoemeister: and he's like, "No candy?"
Sui: hahah
Sui: "but.. but.. I can't finish if I pull out.. D: "
Sui: though, the visual of someone saying "psyyyyyyche" to the vice president is pure gold
Phoemeister: lol
Phoemeister: thanks
Phoemeister: well maybe it would fit into your scenario too.
"let's do it!"
*they get pretty far*
Psyyyyyyche! Pull out right now!
Sui: haha
Sui: that works too
Suibrom: but it's just not the same as deriving him candy
Phoemeister: no one says psyche anymore. I should bring that back
Phoemeister: yeah
Sui: haha I agree
Phoemeister: I really thought that was a "what? no candy?" face
Phoemeister: " said there'd be candy."
Sui: haha
Sui: psyyyyyche
Phoemeister: hmm, for that picture, I can also see someone going, "Give me five!" and then doing that thing where they take their hand back and run it through their hair and saying, "Too slow, Cheney. Too slow. You will never be one of the cool kids."
Sui: hahah
Sui: nice
Sui: I like the image of cheney getting dissed
Sui: no matter the way
Phoemeister: me too
Phoemeister: haha
Phoemeister: in reality, cheney would probably just get out a shotgun and shoot the guy
Sui: haha
Sui: in the face!
Sui: Cheney is straight gangsta
Phoemeister: and then tell the guy, "I will shoot you again if you don't pretend we are friends"
Phoemeister: and then 24 hours later put out a press release saying he shot the guy but they're still friends
Sui: "I shot you once, don't think I won't do it again. YOu better say we're friends"
Phoemeister: that's a brilliant idea though
Phoemeister: I could make a lot more friends by shooting people int he face
Sui: dude, we totally should have done that when you were here
Sui: we can be best friends
Sui: by shooting eachother in the face
Sui: I get to go first though
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