Wednesday, March 27, 2002

Goddammit. Four hours later, the beast wakes up.

And says, "Yea, I think I'm going to go to bed for the night, now." At nine forty five. She gives me holy hell if I want to go to bed at eleven and she isn't ready yet. Tell me this is fair. I'm so tired of the "napping" doublestandard. Next time I want to go to bed early, I'm SO citing this. "You went to bed at nine forty five. After a four hour nap. I had to stay quiet in the pitch dark, or go out to the lounge the entire day from six onward. So if you don't want to go to bed for another hour YOU can go to the damn lounge."

You'd think I'd be happy about going to bed early for once, but i just don't work that way. I have insomnia, and going to bed at the same time every day is hard enough. Trying to go to bed a whole heap earlier just means I'm sitting there in bed for a really long time. Staying up late all the time is torture, especially followed by a day you could go to bed really early, because you can't go to bed early. Your body just won't let you.

I know I'm passive agressive--I just got out a can of pop so I'll get up to piss in the middle of the night and wake her up. Yea, I know that's cutting off my nose to spite my face, but I'm REALLY pissed at my face right now, and don't think I can express it like a proper human being should. Because even if I do bring something up calmly and rationally, she is incapable of EVER admitting she's wrong. EVER. So I'm going to drink pop.

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