Wednesday, March 20, 2002

I'm depressed as hell right now.

I. ACS project
A. It's a group project. I hate group projects, I'm such a control freak.
1. Not only that, this particular project, I don't even know what the hell I'm doing. This is an HTML class, and we're supposed to do this online tutorial on how to merge documents in Excel and word. Well, they teach us HTML, but not how to do what we're doing the tutorial for.
2. I picked the ONE part of the project (inserting mail-merge fields) that doesnt' seem to be in any of the built in microsoft help topics. This sucks
3. The guys in my group are all like, "this'll be easy, we can bang it out by tomorrow." So I'm going to look like the stupid one/slacker. Ghhh

B. Now that I'm an ACS minor, I'm going to have lots of group projects

II. The Future
All jobs within my field will be automated by the year 2006

III. Lovelife
Right now, I'm helping a friend with the HTML for a webpage with photos from the wedding of the only guy who has ever expressed any interest in me. And I never even met him in person.

I want to cry. Especially as my Psych term paper is due soon, and everything I need is on Mic-ro-smegging-fiche. That means that after I'm done looking up the citations for them on the internet, I have to use the citations to find them in our library, read thru them on microfiche, and hand copy the pertinate info, because you can't print microfiche.

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