Friday, March 15, 2002

In AIM form, as I told it to another, cos I don't want to type it again, even though in my haste I spelled some crap wrong:

Why am I pissed at my mom?

She got all on my case for having one stinking piece of string cheese after dinner, saying I was going to get fat and then all nagging me "aren't my dinners good enough? I'm not going to cook anymore if this is what I get." THEN, earlier she all wanted me to turn my music down (because she was in the kitchen listening to her LOUD tv because she's going deaf, and the kitchen is near the living room where I was and apparently the music was annoying her, but I FREAKING GOT THERE FIRST, and she asked me to turn it down like hours later, so what was her problem before? And, I had to have it up that loud so her stupid TV wouldn't distract me, because music helps me study, and the only other place I can do it while listening to music is my bedroom, and I always fall asleep then
Phoemeister: so anyway, the woman gets annoyed at me for leaving stuff lie around, so after dinner she was pissed at me for leaving my crap there, but the only reason I left it there was because she forced me out of the living room so quickly in the first place

I saw her kicking my scrunchy, and asked her not to kick my stuff, and she all was like telling me I was hassling her and wouldn't leave her alone and crap, but I told her she was haslling me, but she kept interupting to HASSLE ME, so obviously it takes two to argue

So mad at the woman.... She makes living with her impossible. Yesterday she was all on my back to clean everything (hence my crap lying around being part of a sore subject). She told me to clean all my crap I had lying around the family room and living room, and she all started in on how I wasn't that messy before I started living with my current roommate, and how I should clean my room too, it's a pig sty and how that's gotten worse since I got my roommate and her messy ways rubbed off on me.

What the HELL? My parents have been calling my room a pig sty all my life. Where the hell does she get off blaming yet another thing on my roommate/ She doesn't like anyone my sis or I get close to. She hates sis's fiancee, thinks sis's fiancee is STEALING sis from her, convinced that sis's last boyfriend's mom wanted to steal sis. Liked my old roommate (that I hated), but is constantly picking on my new one (that I like) about the most bizarre things.

1) Moving was roommate's fault. Then, when I finally yelled at her enough that she knew better than to say it to me anymore, blamed my standing up to her on Zoloft. Geez, she couldn't possibly be WRONG ever, huh?
2) Roommate kept her stereo that we BOTH used, on my side because I had room, and she didn't. Mother was always making comments on that.
3) And now this. She KNOWS my room is a mess and I only occaisionally clean it, and it's good for awhile, and gets crappy again. Right now: not even the worst it's ever been, even recently. It was AWFUL before I cleaned it christmas break. At least there's a path right now. And I'm 20. It's an awful transparent power trip to make me ("if you don't do it before you leave, I will." Of course going through all my private crap as she goes), at 20 years old, clean my room, which I'm pretty sure she hasn't made me in years. All because she's got some bee in her bonnet or up her ass or something. She's being a real jerk.

And school sucks too. I'm getting sick of living with my roommate, too. I need my own damn room, I'm tired of being called a control freak because I don't like to stay up later than 12 on weeknights, especially when I think SHE'S the damn control freak for 1) Never letting me listen to my music out loud, no matter what she's doing, no matter how soft I have it 2) Making me close the damn drapes every damn time she has to change (which is surprisingly often) because there is NO freaking way even the most dedicated of pervs can see us undress anyway, and it's a pain to do the drapes, and it's dark inside then, and after I pull them she dawdles FOREVER before letting me open them again. 3) Pretty controling about the TV. Won't let me watch Star Trek. Makes fun of me for liking star trek. The woman only owns like every piece of Harry Potter paraphanalia ever invented, went to the movie opening night (stood me up opening night) wearing a Harry Potter hat. And won't let me make fun of her.

So, yes. I DO think YOU're an ASS and don't want to share the same house with you, and YOU're an ANAL CONTROL FREAK, and I wouldn't mind sharing a house or appartment or something with you, but living in a tiny hamster cage sized dorm room with you is HELL. Though you're better than the AIM freak who used to keep me up till 4, but I do feel nostalgic the way she let me play my music once in awhile.

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