Friday, March 15, 2002

Okay....creepy..... I must not have gone with my real instincts the first time, because I picked different colors, and this one's much more accurate:

You are the sort of person that needs a sense of Harmony in your life and surroundings if you are to function at full potential. You instinctively avoid people and situations that generate either conflict or stress, partly because in the past you seem to have had far more than your fair share of both. Wisely, you seem to have taken the decision to control the pattern and parameters of your life - both in the present and in the unfolding Future. You are a very sensitive person - and if other persons could connect with this it would be to their advantage and your well-being.

Being impulsive and irritable, your desires and needs are paramount. You do things with insufficient thought - with little regard to the consequences that may follow. As a consequence of this attitude, you may be experiencing stress and conflict.

Matters are not progressing as well as you would have hoped and you are having to make concessions but you still believe that your goals are realistic - it's just that people can't seem to see your point of view. You know what you want but you'll only accept suggestions under duress.

Whatever has caused the just don't seem to be able to sustain or maintain relationships as you would wish to. What you really seek is to be able to develop a relationship with someone with whom you can truly share: Love, Serenity, Peace and Quiet. But you are a very demanding person and it is your nature that leads to disquiet and are like the tide,.. flotsam and jetsam...One minute you experience "highs" and a few moments later "lows". This obviously will introduce discord into any relationship and it is the demanding attitude, the ideal state you desire, is unable to develop. Despite the urge to gratify your natural desires, you impose a considerable self-restraint on your instincts in the belief that this demonstrates your superiority and raises you above the common herd. You are extremely critical of everything that is presently going on around you...and you find it difficult to listen to, or to take advice from anyone. You enjoy the original, the ingenious and the subtle, and you strive to ally yourself with others of similar tastes.

You would like to be respected and valued for yourself and this can only be achieved from a close and harmonious relationship.

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