Wednesday, March 27, 2002

Man.....I need a life so bad. Staying in the hole 24/7 is about to drive me nuts. Partially, me and my roommate are starting to get on each others nerves. Amoung other things: the thing that I most need to vent about right now is the napping.

She naps constantly. I find this intrinsically annoying in the first place because 1) I have to be quiet, which kind of dictates my behavior, without being asked and 2) It has to be dark, and I'm a freak when it comes to light, I like it a lot, I don't like sitting around in the dark. And if I have to read, I have to go to the lounge.

She says, well, she'd do the same for me if I were napping. But I NEVER nap. I can't nap to save my life. Being an insomniac, I'd LOVE it if I could nap, it would make my life suck so much less. But if I say that, she brings up the fact that I used to be on this stomach pill that like, gives me narcolepsy or something. I'd nap CONSTANTLY. But come on.....I had narcolepsy. She could sit there and be as noisy as anything, and have the bright lamp aimed right at me, and I wouldn't stir.

But I am especially annoyed right now because 1) she's napping right now, because she stayed up late to do work (which keeps me up, urgh, and I can't make it back napping) because she didn't get it done earlier, because *surprise* earlier, she was napping. 2) She's mad at me right now for not being quiet enough, because I was eating earlier and making noise doing it, and typing. Well the eating, she can blow me on because she started her nap right after she knew I had gone down to get said food. And the typing, I'm selfishly doing anyway, because it's like the only contact to the outside world I have, and I paid for the network connection, and I can't very well do it anywhere else. Thankfully, she ostensibally yelled at me because opening the box with the ziploc bags to put the pizza away made noise, and I was able to be all like "it's not my fault." Instead of getting in a huge fight about how she's stupid for napping when she knows I'm going to come back with food, or why I'm selfish because I won't stop typing.

Really, this shouldn't irk me as much as it does. I NEED to get out. I NEED to make friends.

I've always been horrible at making friends. I didn't make friends with the people I went to Jr. High/High School until four years in. My theory is that I grow on people. They think I'm weird at first, but then after awhile they realize I'm pretty cool in my own odd way. But at college, I never get to know anyone well enough to realize that.

Except for people who have honors classes with me. But I hate to say this, seeing as how i'm an honors student, but most honors students are pricks and I hate them. While a regular person gets your dumb joke, and thinks it's dumb, and moves on, an honors student looks at you like you're a psychotic that needs to be strapped down and shot full of meds. Example: In honors psych weds, the teacher taught us about Little Albert, this baby who was conditioned to be afraid of rats by this psychologist (in the 20's, before there were laws against this sort of thing :P). We were supposed to come up with our own example of conditioning, and as a joke, I started out with, "First, we buy a baby on the black market......"

People looked at me like I was a monster, like I buy infants all the time, like I have 8 in my closet at home. Honors people always do that to me when I make a joke they don't get/like.

And when people do that to me, I get desperate. Even though I hate these people and don't want to talk to them, I actually start desperately trying to make them laugh. And when I get like that, my jokes really aren't funny, not even to me. I found myself reduced to alluding to the Wang Chung song today. Then, someone didn't know what that was, and I actually found myself sort of singing it for this girl. Then, it was in my head after that, and I said "gee, wang chung's in my head." This other girl icily responded, "Well you just sang it." as if I was too stupid to realize WHERE I got it from. It made me SO mad. I didn't even want to get onto Wang Chung in the first place, I just couldn't help myself...... Bleh........

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