Saturday, March 30, 2002

We share everything.

Man. I just read the Communist Manifesto for history class this weekend. Weird stuff.

Like, some people I know already consider me a pinko (including my parents), because I'm always standing up for in theory communism, I think the domino theory was stupid as hell, and I argue that the commies actually improved many things in China from what they were pre-Mao, so I didn't exactly want anyone (my parents) seeing me cracking open the damn communist manifesto, but it was an assignment, so....

I actually find the Manifesto making me more against communism. For several reasons. But the one that surprised me the most: wife-swapping. Yes, you heard it first right here: Marx wanted us all to become swingers or something. Well, not exactly: he wanted to do away with marriage, because he didn't think proletarians could afford wives, and the burgeuois were all wife swapping in private, why not do it in the open? Yea...because in the 1800's, it was all about wife swapping........

Anyway, it greatly amuses me that no one ever told me the Communist Manifesto was like: "Workers of the world, unite! And maybe swap wives sometimes." And no one ever told me.

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