Friday, March 01, 2002

I'm tired. And I'm hungry. And I want to go home.

Know how tired I am? The guy at the potato bar today was like, "You look tired. Are you tired?" and I was like "yes."

And I'm depressed. I've been wanting to get up the nerve to talk to this guy in my Psych class for awhile, and I blew like two really good openings!

1) Some girl he was talking to was like "I'm tired." I wanted to be like, "You think you're tired? The guy at the potato bar today noticed I was tired, and said so." That would've been a witty comment, right? But I didn't want to like, interupt, and there was a video on, and I didn't want to draw the prof's attention to myself, especially since not five minutes before I was badgering the git because he wouldn't give me a point on a test that I DESERVE. DESERVE! but that's another story. Just believe me, i deserve it.

2) Then, at one point, he meowed. Out of nowhere. That's something I'd do. I was going to make a fart noise back, because I've been perfecting my fart noises in private with my roommate, because they come in handy as addendums to IBS jokes...... But I figured the prof would catch me. I mentioned it later to my roommate, and she said I should've woofed. If only I'd thought of woofing in time.

Yea, I'm a loser to obsess over this, but I REALLY need to start talking to people, I'm pretty sure my not talking to them is why I have hardly any friends and no guys interested in me. D'oh

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