Thursday, May 23, 2002

For the record, in light of the post I made a few days ago and the "counterpost" by Alleywriter, I am NOT in favor of suicide bombings or anything else the Palistinians have been doing. He said:

But Phoe-phoe has failed to notice that evil men, men so consumed with irrational hatred that they've lost all sense of morality, are sending their children to die and commit murder against Israel. Or maybe she thinks it's a good thing when Israeli children are murdered in their beds? All I can say is, if she supports the "Palestinians" then she demonstrates the depths of either her own ignorance or her own evil. That anyone can say, "The terror attacks are bad, but those children deserve to die because . . ." Is disgusting beyond measure.


I can already hear her sputtering, "yeah, but look what the Israeli's did!" Uh, you mean, defend themselves from violence? You mean the accidental killing of civilians as opposed to the intentional killing of civilians perpetrated by the "Palestinians"? You mean apologizing for those deaths, rather than celebrating them as the "Palestinians" do?

And I would like to clarify that no, I would not say anything like that. And I have noticed, and find it disgusting as well. Could anyone in their right mind not find it disgusting?

Though the israeli's have commited some trespasses, I see them as almost indisputably in the right for the reasons he listed above, along with many others.

The "almost" that creates the slightest whisper of doubt in my mind is probably what got me into trouble in the first place.

That, and my big mouth

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