Sunday, May 26, 2002

I'm reeeeeeally beginning to despise my sister's dog. If you've read this before, you know that the family (mom in particular) loves it more than me. Several examples are on here, if you care to look.

What is really beginning to piss me off is how now everything I say about the dog these days is viewed as an insult and is retaliated to with all the force of if I was insulting someone's mother, not someone's dog. Who I wasn't even insulting in the first place.

Scene: Out on our porch, having dinner. Dog jumping up and putting his paws on everyone's legs/laps/chair arms.

Me: "We could put the dog inside and close the door to stop the jumping."

Angry Mob I Have Created With The Previous Comment: Why are you always insulting the dog? He has great table manners. He doesn't whine or anything. In fact, I don't think he even wants the food, he just wants to see what we're doing. I could even put him on my lap, and he wouldn't touch the food. He's such a good dog. Why do you hate the dog so much? blah blah blah blah blah.

Because I suggested he go inside to stop the jumping. Okay, as far as dogs go, he's alright. But I'm tired of them thinking he's perfect. I do insult him sometimes, just to be like "hey, this isn't exactly lassie. He's not as perfect as you guys make him out to be. He does poop on things occaisionally, bite, and never come. And really, you should love me more than him, though you don't. I've NEVER seen you leap to my defense like that, and I can appreciate it, whereas the dog is a dog and doesn't know about it. In fact, you (mom) are the one who causes most of my psychological pain. PAY ATTENTION TO ME, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD *unintelligable sobbing*" But I don't really indulge in it that often. And, this was clearly not an insult to the dog.

Also, who the hell cares if he's jumping for attention rather than food. The motive behind the action isn't what makes it annoying, it's the action itself. Not that I brought this up in reply to their defense. I wouldn't want to insult the dog or anything.

Dear lord.... I am SO glad I'm going to have moved (hopefully far far away) by the time my sis has a kid. If they love that dog more than me, I'd hate to see how they act around a human being.

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