Tuesday, May 28, 2002

Welp, I finally saw Star Wars and Spiderman this weekend. I could probably go on pretty long about what I like and didn't like about one or both of them, but that would be boring, so you're only getting a few things. Mostly just about Star Wars. Oh, and I guess there's some spoilers if you haven't seen it yet.

1) I think it's really cool that Amidala has crazy hairdos, because that way you know Leia came by it rightly
2) I think it's lame that they have to try and get the droids in every movie, it's pretty contrived
3) I think it's lame that Boba Fett is so popular they need to stick him in. I'd rather see Han's parents or something. Or even Chewie's. All Boba does in the originals is help Vader capture Han, and then getting eaten by a Sarlacc. Who cares? And it's really lame the way they show Boba all looking at his father's helmet afterwards, as if vowing revenge against the jedi. Pfft! Like he'd be the only one there. And holding the helmet is creepy, because to be doing that, he's either holding his father's severed head, or had to have pulled his father's severed head out of it.
4) I think it's cool that you get to see Luke's Uncle and Aunt. And how Storm Troopers came to be. Other things like that, etc.
5) Samuel L. Jackson's purple lightsaber is the bomb. Though I do wonder why none of the Jedi get to have one of those two-sided ones like Darth Maul.
6) I think Anakin should get a better prosthetic limb. Luke's fake hand kicks ass, and it's only a generation after Anakin. And I don't envy Amadala on the wedding night, with the creepy metal hand. Having no arm is better looking than that thing.

Unfortunately, the movie experience for both movies for me wasn't that great. First of all i was really tired during Spiderman and had to pee for a lot of Star Wars. But mostly, it was my dad. Yes, I see a lot of movies with my dad. Anyhoos: Dad has always yelled at the TV when we watch something. Encouraging the characters and such. It's kind of annoying at home, but he's started doing it in the theater lately. So that's annoying to me. And, it's embarrassing, I'm always looking around to see if anyone hears him, because he's so loud about it. And I can't say anything, because he gets annoyed when I say stuff about it, he thinks I'm too touchy.

And it was pretty hilarious/creepy, after star wars. He was remarking to me that he thought the guy who played Anakin was all attractive. I don't even think Hayden is all that great-looking (but I suspect that it's my preferences rather than him being not attractive. I totally go for Ewan, though they made him not that attractive in this movie, to make him look older, I guess). It's weird to have your dad say that, anyway.

I guess that's all I have to say, then

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