Wednesday, May 22, 2002

My Confession

This is an e-mail I wrote to a friend recently. I pre-apologize to Alleywriter, the other guy I mentioned, and any other republicans who happen to read this, and to all right-minded people for the spelling and grammar:

Oh, do you know what's hilarious? You know how we're pinkos? (Can't remember if you know what a pinko is, so I'm going to define it: Means really left-leaning)

I SWEAR there are a couple of guys that read my blog that are REALLY right-leaning. I don't know if you've read Alleywriter ever, he's linked to me, and I think I've linked back, he's left a few comments: his blog is all newsy, and all his links are to right wing stuff, he especially pays attention to the stuff in palestine (uber-pro-israeli) and our war on terrorism (big on war getting the job done). Now, I got some oral sex from this other guy, and it mentioned a "tongue bar" and I asked if that was a piercing, and so we ended up e-mailing each other back and forth a couple times, and he gave me the link to his blog and asked for constructive critisizm, and it's even more right-y. Like one of the articles is all "people (read: races and nations) really AREN'T equal, let's stop pretending" (no, it's not militant, it's about positive stereotyps and how they're often true....but come on, how long before they start on the negative ones? And I don't care how true a generalization is, there's always exceptions. And, there's a hilarious sentence on this guy's blog, it's what made me want to send you this e-mail because it made me laugh at how diametrically opposed I am politically to this guy: "I still don't like it, but if it helps to win the war and bring to GOP back to power in the Senate, then it was the cynical, but smart, thing to do." I HATE the GOP, 90% of them are dumbasses. (GOP stands for grand old party, it's our conservatives). And I DO want terrorism wiped out, but I'm not sure if war's the way to do it. I should really say something hippie-y or pinko-y on my blog sometime just to piss people off :P

Mostly....I hate to say it....I'm apathetic. Caring about things just takes too much energy. I hope to god so much that it hurts that I wouldn't be like this if I were ever in the situation, but I see myself as the type who lived in poland in the 40's and didn't do anything when I saw my jewish neighbors being carted off to the ghetto. I mean, look at the world... whenever we talk about the holocaust they're always like "and we study it so it can never happen again." Bullshit. Look at Rwanda, look at Kosovo, look at a million other places most people probably haven't even heard about. The left was in power during kosovo, and they got critizised SO HARD for helping out. "whine whine whine bitch bitch bitch. What the hell does it have to do with us? We have to pay taxes to pay for this crap. It's their problem, not ours." If the right had been in power, who knows? We weren't even able to help out too much. No one wanted to turn it into another vietnam, endless resources and life pouring into a country for no good reason. And with stuff like israel, and other conflicts around the world: I'm ignorant. I'm deliberately ignorant, because knowing just hurts me more. I couldn't bear to be at my own house after Sept. 11 because my mom wouldn't turn off the TV, and all they were showing 24/7 was sad human interest stories. I didn't want to know more about those people, it hurt too much already, I didn't want them to have faces and families to go along with the horrific numbers and innocence.

Wow..... this turned into quite a rant. Hmm...I'm thinking of posting some of this e-mail onto my blog. Let people know I'm an apathetic pinko once and for all :P

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