Friday, May 17, 2002

UGGGGGH, I was earlier optimistic about my England reading, but I take it back! I've gotten into all this reading that has NOTHING to do with Britain, and the authors are SO verbose. The verbosity--it's not like I don't know what the words mean, but putting them all in there makes the paragraph or sentence three times harder to put together and make sense. Also, it makes the material harder to absorb. I start reading it like I would read a novel, and then after a few pages, realize that I have no idea what I read. I have to go back and like THINK about every sentence. It pisses the hell out of me. I can read 3 to 5 hundred page (good) novels in a day or less, and remember plot points with chrystal clarity even years after I've read them, but I have to slowly crawl through this crap, and I KNOW I'm still not going to remember it.

I mean, i'm not expecting action or excitement, but can't they, for the love of god, just write in common terms?

On a happier note, I found out my grades for last term, and I did SO much better than I thought I would. A's in everything except for philosophy, which, can you really blame me? Even in Computer Science, where I thought I was close to a C, I got an A in. Don't ask me how--I'm just freaking happy that my GPA actually went up instead of down. No honors probation for meeeee!

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