Tuesday, May 28, 2002

I was taking a walk tonight, and I was thinking. At my funeral (I'm quite morbid) I'd like people to play songs that remind them of me. They don't even have to be songs I particularly would've liked, just ones that remind them of me. I don't know about other people, but songs remind me of things so easily, I'll hear a certain melody and memories just rush back. Even lame memories, like remembering driving home from school one day while listening to a song on the radio. They just take me back to that time and place. But they also remind me of people.

Blink 182--Dammit

It is pretty ironic that I associate this song with her. She is UBER-Christian woman, a high school friend of mine who "matured" while I stayed the same. Blink 182 is crass and immature, and uses curse words. Which I can't use around any of my Christian friends. However, this song reminds me of her because of one line: "When I move I'm flailing now."

Stacy was klutzy. Though my roomate and I have jokes about me being a "klutzy bastard" Stacy has me totally outclassed in the klutz department. She's injured herself before, but mostly the klutzyness was stuff like her almost tripping, and flailing to get back her balance. Or things where she didn't think she was klutzy and should've known better to try, such as trying to get on the tip of her toes without special shoes after she'd seen Titanic and almost falling.

She was also easily startled. I remember yelling "look out! hydrochloric acid" at her frequently. Not even in Chemistry, I'd do it in French class. Over and over, but it took her forever to stop startling. Also, you could touch her on the shoulder and she'd get startled and flail. It was probably sort of mean of me, but I got inordinate glee out of doing these things to her. She was a fairly good sport about it.

Lastly--one of the biggest things I associate with Stacy is French class. We met in French class, we sat next to each other in French class for years. There was this one french movie we watched in class, Tatie Danielle, which was about this really mean old lady. At one point, this one woman slaps Tatie really hard, and the woman flails and falls over. It really shouldn't be funny, but we thought it was the most hilarious thing ever. Stacy would always act out the flailing for me.

Saves The Day--Shoulder to the Wheel, Vertical Horizon--Everything You Want

Shoulder to the Wheel is another semi-ironic choice, as Melissa probably wouldn't touch any form of punk with a ten foot pole. However, she would endorse the spirit of the song, I'm sure. Its about driving around with your radio turned way up with a good friend. That was Melissa and I's thing, driving around, usually singing to the radio. Even goofy pop songs that I wouldn't normally like were cool when we were listening to them loudly and singing to them at the top of our lungs. Especially goofy pop songs by N'Sync or Britney Spears. One time, we put on this old cowboy hat she had, rolled our windows down with our arm's hanging out of her huge white Dodge Ram pickup truck, blaring a country station as we went by the house of this hick guy we knew. Driving around at night with Melissa figures in many of my dearest memories.

Everything You Want was a song we both loved when it came out. We met somewhere one day, and we ended up complaining about listening to it on the way there on the same station, and being mad when it was cut out by some Spanish station. As I don't know many people who like the same music as I do, it was really nice to like a song really deeply that someone else did. And most of all, the song reminds me of this one night Melissa and I were out driving. There had been a freezing rain storm a few days ago, and though the road was safe to drive on, the ice coating had never melted off the trees. The moonlight gleamed on the ice-coated branch, making the world look like a fairyland, all while the radio played Everything You Want. It's a memory I'll forever cherish.

Old 97's--Rollerskate Skinny, Tom Lehrer--Poisoning Pigeons in the Park, Gas Giants--Quitter, Everclear--You Make Me Feel Like a Whore

For a long time, this song reminded me of me far more than anyone else. But there's this one line of it, and I know she'd probably be mad at hearing this is what reminds me of her, that never fails to remind me of her. "Ain't nobody going to see eye to eye/with a girl who's only going to stand collarbone high." She'd be mad because it's partly about her being short, and I tease her, probably too much, about being short. But the part about no one seeing eye to eye with her rings true as well. She seems angry at the world, sometimes. A lot, actually. One of the biggest problems she has is that she finds people to be incredibly rude. I think she would've been happier if she'd been born in a simpler time, when people had manners, and I love her for her strong sense of values in a world where no one takes anything seriously anymore.

We both find PPitP hilarious, and listen to it together. I introduced the song to her, and everyone she tries to play it to thinks that I'm borderline sick for introducing her to a song about hurting animals, and she's borderline sick for loving it so much too. But the song is not serious, it's meant to amuse, and it certainly gets the job done. The other two songs are our college theme songs. We can't help it, we're quitters. From inside we're, cold and bitter. And ISU makes us feel like a whore. YMFLaW also makes me think of the one time we got really mad at our neighbors and blasted that through the wall at them. It didn't seem to phase them, but it made us feel better.
Addendum: Also, Cloak of Elvenkind by Marcy Playground, because it reminds me of how much she loves Harry Potter.

Destiny's Child--Independent Women, Rusted Root--Send Me On My Way, Stroke 9--Letters
Old Roomate

Actually, a lot of songs remind me of her, we listened to a lot of music when we lived together. She introduced me to a lot of music I wouldn't have listened to otherwise, and I introduced her to a few things as well. Letters was one of the songs I got her into liking, and I once had a dream with her in it where we were on a gameshow, and the final question was about the song, and we won. Send Me On My Way was a song she'd listen to quite frequently in our room, and I'd never really heard it before. But now, whenever I hear it anywhere, I always think of her. Half the time, I tell her about it, I think she finds it amusing. And Independent Women was "our song" it was big while we lived together, and the only Destiny's Child Song that I've ever been able to even stand, much less actively enjoy. Whenever I hear it I picture her perfectly lip synching to the song, even acting out parts of it. And I remember how I thought it was so hilarious to get up on my bed and "raise the roof" "literally," at the "throw your hands up at me" part, and how she humored me by laughing.

Shakira--Whenever, Whatever

She so loves the "my breasts are small and humble/so you don't confuse them with mountains" line. And though I was not fond of the line (especially since I think Shakira's breasts are probably nicer than a good lot of people's :P), and might not've been a big fan of the song otherwise, it brings a smile to my face whenever I hear it, because I think of her.

Savage Garden--I Knew I Loved You Before I Met You

I never met him in real life. I probably never will. I know for sure that I will never fall into another internet romance so easily. He loved Savage Garden, which I disliked even before I knew him. During the time I knew him I went to a couple high-school dances with friends/the special ed students. Homecoming was fun. There were only a few Special Ed kids to watch, while there were lots of watchers, and lots of my friends there to have fun with. I had a fancy dress for the first, and maybe only, time in my life and we all had a good time. Then, I went to Sweetheart, which was depressing because nobody came, and I was there simply to watch Special Ed students. The theme was "I knew I loved you before I met you," and during that song, all of the couples got together and danced together, while I had to explain to a special ed girl why she couldn't pester boys already dancing with their dates for a dance because it was rude. Pseudo-ex was being online less and less, and I knew I probably wouldn't ever be able to go to a dance like this with him, or likely anyone (which was right), I nearly broke down. Prom was even more depressing.

Most Greenday Songs, Weezer--Buddy Holly

He loves Greenday, quotes Greenday frequently, and someday he and I are going to be in a band where we get sued by Greenday because of lifting their lyrics into our songs, and we'll be penniless, but it'll still be cool because we will have met Greenday during the suing. Basketcase reminds him of me, because I'm always apoligizing for whining about everything to him. And according to him I look just like Buddy Holly, and according to me, he's my Mary Tyler Moore. And we don't care what people say about us anyway.

The White Stripes--Fell In Love With a Girl

He told me about this song, he has pretty good taste, so I downloaded it. I really didn't like it at first, the singer's voice got on my nerves, but it grew on me. He was so excited when I told him I was auditioning to be a DJ, he said that he would go to a friend's house and listen to me on the streaming audio (he didn't have a comp, he uses WebTV mostly) of the station over the internet. When I was waiting for my audition, I heard Fell in Love With a Girl, and it was like a good luck charm, Kevin's wishing me good luck (though I did badly.) Sometimes he can be creepy, and sometimes he can be annoying, but Kevin's always seemed to be one of the few people who knows what music means to me, and we always like commiserating with each other about our love lives (or lack thereof).

Nearly Everything I Listen To

I probably put her last because it's really difficult to put a finger on any one (or two or three) songs. We like so much of the same music, and talk about music all the time. So many songs make me think vaguely of her, at least. REM especially, but many Everclear songs, No Doubt, Offspring, Foo Fighters, Idlewild, Cake....the list goes on and on. I love talking music with her, she's one of the first people I'd ever met that I could be frank about what I liked with, instead of thinking it was too weird, or hard, or obscure.
Addendem: (yes, I'm aware I spelt that wrong. Is it spelt or spelled?) After more thought, I've decided on that "white men in the black suits" song by everclear (because we said if we ever ruled the world, we'd make the bad people go away), It's The End of the World (as we Know It) by REM (because it would suck if she went away), and Falling by Offspring (because she loves it).

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