Thursday, May 16, 2002

Welp, I've started my reading for my trip:

(Since it's a school trip, they're making me learn (hiss! boo!) so I prefer to get my learning in before the trip)

It's actually not too bad. (I've only read like two things, one by John Stuart Mill and another on Constitutionalism)

I'm surprised at how much I like essay by John Stuart Mill. Sure, it was pain in the ass to plow through, because it was written in the prose of a different time, but I loved his point. Basically: the majority can be stupid so don't go along, individuality is good, and tolerance of others' rights to individuality is good. If I were a good writer, and lived back then: I would be this man. If I were a man, anyway.

I mean, he talked about how dangerous it is to have the majority in for law. That can be totally seen--look at Nazi Germany. Hitler didn't have to stage a coup or anything. He was elected by a legal majority.

But he also talked about what the majority does extralegally to enforce it. Burning crosses, lynchings, making fun of Star Trek geeks..... Okay, some of these are more serious than others: but it's true.... a majority shouldn't be harassing any individuals unless the individuals in question are harming anyone.

Anyway, i liked his message.

The one on constitutionalism was interesting. Again, it mentioned the balance between moral law (religions, personal assumptions of what is right and wrong) and "positive" law (law made by human beings, legitimated by the government). It IS a tricky balance.

If only philosophy class had been about this stuff instead of sawing people's brains in half and putting one half in one clone and the other half in another clone, I might've shown up once in awhile.

Yep, I'm boring :P

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