Saturday, December 11, 2004

Man, I'm depressed. Graduating is..... depressing. At least if you don't have a real job lined up. Maybe not even then. I just am.... depressed.

And I talked to a friend. And she was like, "Yeah. I woke up and was like, 'This is the rest of my life? Man, thats.... crappy."

And I've seen The Graduate. And that's how he felt. So I'm not alone.

And maybe it isn't even just having a job. Plastics probably isn't the answer. Which, you'll only get the plastics bit if you've seen The Graduate.

It also kind of reminds me of Fight Club, where Tyler calls up his dad after he graduates college and is like, "What now?" and his dad doesn't know.

Anyways... in less depressing but much more dorky news:

Speaking of Fight Club, I just used a class Webboard to try and hook up. Yeah. What the hell. I'm graduating. He's not going to flunk me. Anyways, we have to post a specified number of times on this class Webboard over the semester. And for Fight Club, so many of the girls kept including stupid "oh my god! Brad Pitt is so hot lol!!!!!" comments in their posts that I posted a response (which is probably equally vacuous considering it's still about hotness, but oh well):

"I know this is random, and probably won't count as one of my posts, but I want to say that I don't find Brad Pitt all that hot. But I love Ed Norton. I want him to have my babies. My favorite part of the entire movie is when he's all crazed, and steals the gun from the guy, and is like, "Anyone who comes out of that room is going to get a lead salad!"

Because he totally commits to being such a geek. For the entire movie. But right there. That line, and the way he delivers it is the dorkiest bit in the entire movie, and I love it, and I love him for it."

And this guy replied:

"Ed Norton is definately a great actor. I thought he made the movie. I know a guy that looks just like him, if you want I'll hook you up. He is totally dorky too, but he is really a dork, not just acting. I really hope this counts as one of my posts because it is just so insightful. I also hope that it does not damage my grade. "

And at first, I wasn't going to say anything, because how crass AND desperate is using the webboard to hook up with guys? But I was like... If this dude really is as dorky as his friend says, this guy could be perfect for me. We could be married some day. This could be our dorky story at our wedding rehearsal story. Should I give all that potential up because I'm too cool to use the class webboard to hook up? So I posted:

"Dude, you totally should hook me up! My e-mail's on here."

Hello darkness my old friend
I've come to talk with you again
because a vision sofly creeping
left its seeds while I was sleeping
and the vision that was planted in my brain
still remains
within the sounds of silence

--Simon and Garfunkel

Now that I got the disease
In a way I'm relieved
cause I don't have to stress about it like you do
I might just get up and dance
or wear some acid washed pants
when you don't care then you've got nothing to lose
and I won't
cause every moment life is slipping away

--Ben Folds

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