Sunday, December 12, 2004

Manual labor + extreme klutziness is a bad mix. I wonder why I want to do it. Anyway, I never notice at the time I'm doing it, but I'm always somehow whacking myself with the tripod. Last night when I tried to sleep, my sides hurt because they were bruised and I was limping around today because I must've given my leg a good whack with it too. That's what I get for being too lazy to fold it up properly when I want to haul it short distances. I tell you, it's not easy being the Old Navy Martyr.

I still don't know what to do with myself. I finished the last of a couple books I bought a few days ago for the specific purpose of time-occupying, and found myself just sitting there in my pajamas watching some woodworking show on PBS. My Dad brought home some videos, and I wanted to hug him, I was so glad. And they weren't even that great of movies. But head and shoulders above woodworking.

Tonight I went and saw Garden State, it was playing at ISU's theater. It was really good, I liked it. It had a lot more of a plot than I had expected from the description people give, and was quite funny. It is probably more of a "girly" film, but I'd still reccomend it. I saw it with my friend from high school who I hung out with last night but forgot to blog about it. That party I was going to go to wasn't so appetizing, a lot of the people I particularly know weren't going to be there, and I suck at parties. Attempting to act like a normal person around large quantities of people is not my ouvre. So when my friend called me up and wanted to go to Ocean's 12 instead, I jumped at the opportunity despite having had previous plans. We'd both really loved 11, so we kinda had plans to see it together for ages. But this cop stopped us because she didn't have her headlights on, and gave her a 75 dollar ticket. She got really upset about it, because she thought it would affect her insurance premiums too and she's still on her parent's insurance yadda ya, and after that she just didn't feel like a movie. And today we saw garden state instead because Garden State was only on for one day. So eventually we're going to see Ocean's 12, I just don't know when.

Anyway, I don't know what I was thinking last night when I posted that reply on the board. I doubt the guy's even going to check back, but I think I'm probably going to let this thing end here anyway. If I did meet a guy, I'd have to explain to the 'rents how I met a guy, and they'd dissaprove and it would make life infinitely harder for me right now while I'm living with them, and I'm a pathetically bad liar. I sort of remind me of Will from "About a Boy" sometimes. In the book, there's this bit where he's talking about how he'll always concoct these elaborate schemes or ideas in his head about getting a job doing this or doing volunteer work etc. and the little dream is actually worth more to him than actually going out and making it happen. Sometimes I wonder if I'm actually like that, because I do start things all the time I don't follow through on, or daydream about doing this or that that I don't even start. Writing projects, excercising more... a lot of things.

Yes. I realize I spend far too much time comparing myself to fictional characters.

Don't tease me about my hobbies. I don't tease you about being an asshole!

--Garden State

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