Thursday, December 16, 2004

So I was at TV-10 today learning the Avid basics. Honestly, I think it's about the most ridiculous thing ever that they expect you to learn to use thousands of dollars of sophisticated audiovisual editting equiptment by "playing it by ear." But I went there today to experiment.

Anyway, while I was there, my production director and news director were talking to some chick that I don't even know who's also graduating. And is apparently a cryer. Because she started crying about it. And my news director was all, "Phoemeister's graduating too!" and they were like, "Why aren't you crying, too?" and I was like, "I'm not a big cryer."

Apparently, cryer needs to use the avid for something or other over break too. Which, production director tells her it's going to be locked up. What the hell? I am getting tired of being jerked around on this. I'm like, you told me I could come in and use it over break! What am I going to do? And start having a panic attack. And cryer is... well, about to cry again.

So stupid production director's like, there's no one staying around campus during break to let people in. And news director and I are shocked at this statement, because it is no big secret that I live around here. So both news director and I immediately volunteered myself to be the keeper of the keys. And production director obviously does not want to give me the keys, as I do not think he has a great love for me. I don't know if he thinks I am too cheeky or absentminded or what, but I think he secretly hates me. But anyway, he was all, "If you lose them, I will KILL you, Phoemeister. And the way he said it, I believed him. I really did.

But the thing is, I've never lost my keys. I've lost my wallet. Several times. I've locked my keys IN my car. Several times. But since I can't start up the car or get into the house without them, and they're attached to a giant novelty penny, I would have to be entirely brain dead to truly lose them. So I am confident in the task in which I've been entrusted. Sure, I'm at the cryer's beck and call, and have to make sure I'm not on the net at certain times so the line's not busy, but hey... access to the avid any time I want to. And the knowledge of how it probably burned stupid production director and his irrational (for all I know, I've never found out why) dislike of me.

It's the time of the season
When the love runs high
In this time, give it to me easy
And let me try
With pleasured hands
To take you and the sun to
Promised lands

--"Time of the Season," Zombies

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