Sunday, January 30, 2005

1\/3 4|)|)3|) 1337 1!|\|k5 0|\| 7|-|3 |2!6|-|7. 1 |-|0|?3 _|00 3|\|_|0`/ 7|-|3/\/\ 4|\||) |?|-|34|2 /\/\`/ 1337 5k!115 4|\||) 4|?|?|23(!47 411 7|-|3 7!/\/\3 !7 700k 700 7`/|?3 7|-|!5 0|_|7.

(I've added leet links on the right. I hope you enjoy them and appreciate them and fear my leet skills, and appreciate the time it took to type this out.) Also, I know K's in leet, but they involve an angle bracket, which of course the browser wants to interpret as html.

1 7h1nk my n3rd f4c70r ju57 w3n7 up 300%.

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