Tuesday, January 04, 2005

I worked on the avid today. I really have been putting it off, meant to do it about a thousand times before now. But actually, it turned out fairly easy. This time I actually had a pseudo manual, which helped immensely. It's pseudo, because not only is it not an official manual (written by another student as an assignment, though I consider this a plus because it's written in language regular people can understand) but it's not for the version of the Avid we have (a minus). But it was helpful as a jumping off point for many procedures. I actually know the basics now, probably won't even have to go back... though I probably will a couple times just so I memorize how to do things, instead of having to figure them out all over again at the TV station.

I also finished two moderately classy books today, and am feeling smart. Go me!

And I'm mentally gearing myself up for a colonoscopy I'm having this week. Honestly... they suck so much. You'd think the actual trauma of someone sticking a foreign object up your pooper would be the bad part, but it's not, really. They knock you out first, so they might as well do anything to you, you don't care. The bad part is drinking down laxatives for 24 hours beforehand. First off--the laxative makes me gag, but fortunately I'm getting this stuff in pill form this time. They try to keep the pills secret from you, because apparently they don't do quite as good of a job, but we found out about them, and I'm making them let me take them.

Secondly--the fact that you're taking a ton of high powered laxatives in the first place. It's the worst diahrea possible. And this is coming from someone who deals with diahrea (and/or constipation) on a multiple times daily basis. So you know it's not for the faint of heart.

Worst of all, I'm not even entirely sure why I'm doing this. My specialist isn't really pushing for it very hard. He's just kind of like, "Well, I don't have any more ideas, we might as well scope you again." Which, normally I'd be like, "Hey, you're not sticking anything up there without good reason, buddy!" but the thing is he didn't push very hard for the last one I had. And so I didn't do it. Until I was so sick that I would do absolutely anything. And as a consequence, we didn't catch my colitis until it had done serious, irreprable damage to my intestines that will in all likelihood cause me horrible pain and embarrassing/disgusting other problems for the rest of my entire life. So... I decided to hedge my bets and do it again, despite the enormous possibility that the whole endeavor is pointless.

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