Sunday, January 23, 2005

Phoemeister: and he's convinced that stacy the hitman used to be on Boston Public, which I think is not true. I mean, he looks similar to the boston public guy, but similar is not the same
Phoemeister: my dad's totally obsessed about finding actors he knows in things. So if someone that has been on a tv show he likes is in something, halfway through he'll finally realize, and poke me and be like, "That's (whoever it is)" in this loud stage whisper. It drives me nuts. Especially since I usually realize who whoever it is is from the beginning
Sui: haha parents are fun like that
Sui: actually.. it is the guy from boston public
Phoemeister: dammit
Sui: he's been in a lot of movies and tv shows
Phoemeister: that makes him right
Phoemeister: you should've just kept that info to yourself!
Sui: haha
Phoemeister: I never watched boston public that much anyhow
Phoemeister: that's half the reason it bugs me when he does that. The actor/actress is always from the most inane tv show possible
Phoemeister: "didn't he used to be on hee haw?"
Sui: haha
Sui: people actually watched heehaw?
Phoemeister: that was a joke, he doesn't usually bring up heehaw
Sui: haha well that's good
Phoemeister: I don't even think the people who did watch it (yes, there were a few) could recognize them anymore. Especially since no one from hee haw probably ever got another acting job afterwards
Sui: haha yeah they were blacklisted for benig on heehaw
Phoemeister: LOL "Only a communist would be on hee haw. Well, okay, no. Even communists have better standards."
Sui: hahah
Phoemeister: the sad thing is I actually did watch hee haw. But I was a little kid. I swear I didn't know any better.
Sui: haha
Sui: you've been brainwashed!
Phoemeister: I'm programmed to take out the president? Wait.... he's probably the kind of president hee haw likes. I'm programmed to take out someone else?
Sui: hahah
Sui: hmm maybe you were programmed to take out kerry?
Phoemeister: ah
Phoemeister: cool
Phoemeister: It's just like the manchurian candidate! Only with hee haw!
Sui: haha exactly
Phoemeister: I'm going to pitch my story to those people who make made for TV movies
Phoemeister: maybe someone from hee haw can be in it!
Sui: nice that'd be a good story
Phoemeister: man..... I giggle a little out loud every time I type "hee haw" My parents must think I'm insane
Sui: haha
Sui: maybe just a little

Phoemeister: I wish I had a friend named Argentina
Sui: haha so you could tell her not to cry for you?
Phoemeister: then if they started crying for me, I could be like, "Don't cry for me, Argentina."
Phoemeister: dammit
Phoemeister: now I'm the predictable one
Sui: hahah
Phoemeister: I just think that would be awesome
Sui: she'd probably get tired of it really quick
Phoemeister: well I'd only do it when she cried
Phoemeister: so unless she's a huge crybaby
Phoemeister: then she should just get over it
Sui: haha it's funny that we're already making up personality issues for your imaginary friend

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