Saturday, January 01, 2005

Okay, how awesome am I at predicting things?

This awesome: remember the conver I posted up here about how I guessed Ryan Seacrest would host Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve, but it turned out to be Regis? Well my mom TOTALLY had us on FOX for the countdown, and guess who hosted FOX's countdown..... Ryan Seacrest! Do I have my finger on the throbbing pulse of popular culture or what?

Mostly we celebrated by going out to dinner. Though we did do some shopping, I picked up Napoleon Dynamite and Garden State like I wanted to. My dad has seen the former, and does not agree that it is the funniest movie of all time, which makes me sad, because it IS the funniest movie of all time, and I fell sad for him that he does not get the glee from it that I do. I'm also pathetically excited about the five dollar mail-in rebate I get from buying the both of them. I never qualify for rebates! I love rebates, because you send the stuff in, and then you totally forget about it, and then bam! one day, you get five dollars in the mail, and you're like, "Yay. Five dollars!" I wonder if they do stuff like that to get more info on you, though. So they can track people who like indie comedies, in case we're terrorists. Or market other things to us. My receipt tells them that I like to buy Tenacious D and Breaking Benjamin at discounted prices. So if the next big indie comedy has the D and the BB on the soundtrack, you can call me up and blame me.

We also went out coat shopping. My mom has been trying to make me get a new coat for some time. I would think this would be common sense, but I guess it's not, because no one in my family is this way: but if I like something I have, I don't really go out looking for something else. If it's doing fine, I don't bother. And if it's broken or ripped, I do my damndest to fix or mend it instead of just going out and buying a new version, because I get attached to things. Anyway: I love the coat I've had for about 6 years ago. It's got microfiber, and some space age stuffing in it that makes it really warm, but really light at the same time. And I hate heavy coats. And it's not ripped or anything. But my mom really is trying to make me get another coat. Her first reason was what I have isn't warm enough because it's so light, and she argues that space age stuff has improved in the last 6 years, so I could get something new equally light that would be warmer. But even if a new coat was warmer, it's kind of overkill. If I could find a way to make my face warmer, or my legs warmer, I would jump at it. But my torso's never cold when I'm out. The coat does it's job. Unless I plan to go hiking in Alaska, I think I'm good. Her second reason is that the one I have now is "grungey," which both proves to me that she's insane and that she knows nothing about grunge. It's bright red, and as I said, has no holes or fraying as far as I can tell. Why does it bother her that I like a six year old coat? So that's my rant about my mom and her mission to buy me a new coat.

Happy new year!

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