Sunday, January 30, 2005

There's this comic, College Roomies From Hell. I started reading it a long time ago, being intrigued by the name as I currently WAS living with the college roomie from hell. The story moves so slow that I tend to let a week or two go by so that I can read a whole bunch at once. Anyway, I'd stopped reading it since I stopped living in the dorms about 9 months ago, because it takes so long to load on dialup. But the station has broadband..... so yep, I read an entire 9 months of webcomics at work today. And doodled enough of my famous doodling that one of my massively witty colleagues said, "You must have a Picasso there by now!" And still had time enough to sit around doing nothing. I did bring a book, but decided not to read it after all, because I think it makes me look like a jerk who just assumes I won't have to do anything.

And I almost showed up too late for the one thing I DID do, cover an interview with this one lady about booking travel plans through the internet. Apparently I'm supposed to check the Friday before to see if I'm doing anything on Sunday, which everyone assumed I knew but didn't tell me. I also got to get gas in one of the station's vans.

I swear, gas station people must think I've had a lobotomy. The other day I was in Morton and I got gas at a place I'm not used to (which--part of my stupidity at gas pumps is at home, I only go to one place for my gas, and I just assume they all work the same, which apparently they don't). When I had problems with it, I came in and the snotty little teenager behind the counter was neither helpful nor courteous, and all but called me a moron to my face. So when I started having problems with the gas today at this place, I decided to stick it out (which, I admit I AM a moron, if I'd just read the instructions, I probably could've avoided this). So I was there like, 5 minutes trying to get the gas pump to work and having no luck. So then, the lady behind the counter turns on the loud speakers, and I hear, "Attention: *station's name* Van! You must pull the lever under the pump to make it work!" I'm not even kidding! I got called out by someone on a loudspeaker! It was the most embarassing/hilarious thing ever. Anyway, I still couldn't figure it out, because the lever does not look like a lever, and I was looking at the bottom of the pump, and at the actual lever only I didn't know what it was, for a few more minutes, then I had to go in and ask the lady again, and then finally I found the lever, and then I got my gas. And she was really nice to me even though I'm a moron who can't figure out a gas pump.

So that was my day.

A sense of humor, can there be any doubt?
Yeah, well natural selection just weeded it out.

"Video," Ben Folds Five

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